> AGM 2021

Doro's Annual General Meeting 2021

Date: Thursday, April 29


Doro’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 29 April 2021. In light of the extraordinary situation prevailing as a result of Covid-19, the AGM was conducted by advance postal vote, without physical attendance. The AGM adopted the parent company and the consolidated balance sheets and income statements for the 2020 financial year and approved the remenuration report for 2020. The AGM granted the board members and the CEO discharge from liability for the 2020 financial year.

Minutes AGM 2021

CEO speech


Election of Board of Directors and Auditor etc.

The AGM followed the Nomination Committee's proposal and decided to appoint six directors, without deputy directors, and to re-elect Board members Lennart Jacobsen, who was also re-elected as Chairman of the Board, Henri Östlund, Towa Jexmark, Cecilia Ardström and Juha Mört and to elect new board member Victor Saeijs. For a more detailed presentation of the Board members, please refer to; Doro's Board of Directors

The AGM further resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal for an unchanged remuneration to the Chairman of the Board, to the rest of the Board and to the committees. The auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved account.

The AGM elected PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor for the period until the next annual general meeting has been held, with Magnus Willfors as the lead auditor. 

The following was resolved at the AGM;

  • that no dividend should be distributed in accordance with the proposal from the board of directors;
  • to adopt the nomination committee’s proposal of principles for formation of nomination committee;
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding authorisation to issue new shares;
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding authorisation to resolve on a) acquisition of the company’s own shares b) sale of the company’s own shares;
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding remuneration guidelines for the group management;
  • to approve the board’s proposal regarding to supplement the Articles of Association


Doros annual report 2020

Doros Annual report and Sustainability report for 2020


Remuneration report 

Remuneration report 2020

Auditors' report of remuneration




Postal voting form

Power of attorney

The proposal from the Nomination Committee

The boards proposal regarding authorisation to issue new shares

The boards proposal regarding authorisation on acquisition fo the companys own shares

The boards proposal regarding authorisation yo resolve on to sell of the companys shares

The boards proposal for decision to amend the Articles of Association

The boards statement in accordance with chapter 19 Section 22 of the Swedish Companies Act

Remuneration guidlines for the group management 

The boards report of the remuneration committees evaluation of the guidlines for remuneration to the group management