> Foundation




Doro must be an attractive and stimulating workplace for the many occupational groups represented in the company.

Read more under Career 


Supply chain

Doro has long-term partnerships with its suppliers. Suppliers are regularly audited to ensure that they comply with Doro's requirements. Suppliers are expected to sign and comply with Doro's CSR policy for suppliers, which is based on Doro Business Ethics and the UN Global Compact's ten principles on human rights, labour law, the environment, and anti-corruption.

If a supplier violates the policy or any other requirement, Doro makes it clear that this is not acceptable. For continued cooperation, we demand that the supplier develops an action plan for improvement. Should the supplier still fail to meet the requirements, Doro has the right to suspend the cooperation.



Doro follows several policies to secure good and ethical governance of the company.

Annual training of employees with regards to corruption and bribery is undertake and to increase the awareness of how everyone can contribute to minimise such practises.

In 20 years not a single corruption incident has been documented at Doro.

During 2021, a specific risk assessment of corruption was conducted and in addition there was a whistleblowing routine in place.

All purchasing personnel have received a targeted digital course in business ethics 2020, which 95% have completed. All sales staff have received a digital course focused on business ethics in conjunction with sales, which 85% have completed.

All employees take part in Doro Business Ethics nano learnings.

Finally, Doro has clear rules for insider dealings, communicated to all employees and provides information in accordance with stock market regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

For more info, see “Standards and Policies” and “Whistle blower”.