> Security reporting

Doro Vulnerability Disclosure Policy­


Doro develops and provides consumer electronics specially adapted for senior needs, to enable them to take part in the digital community, keep in contact with friends and family and feel safe in being able to contact loved ones with a touch of a button. Everyone using Doro products and services shall feel safe. Unfortunately, seniors are an especially vulnerable group in the digital, connected world. Doro actively tries to identify and reduce potential vulnerabilities during the product's entire lifetime and in this effort, we value input on actual or potential vulnerabilities as that gives us a possibility to address these issues and protect connected seniors.


If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability in a Doro product or service, please complete the form below. We also ask you to:

  • Support us in keeping users of Doro products and services safe and protected, ensuring the protection of privacy and maintaining the proper, undisrupted function of products and services.
  • Keep information about the potential vulnerability confidential between yourself and Doro until we have a remedy in place
  • Do not use the information for commercial or business purposes

As long as this policy is adhered to, Doro will work with you and we will make our best effort to understand and resolve the vulnerability quickly.

Doro will communicate with you, the reporter, via e-mail. First receipt of the vulnerability report within 7 days. After this the reporter will be contacted in case of any question. No later than 90 days after receiving a vulnerability report a fix or warning will be published. Warning will be withdrawn after a fix is released.


You can remain anonymous, but giving your contact details to allow Doro to contact you in case of questions may help the investigation and shorten the time for a solution. If you choose to leave your contact information and other potential personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy policy.

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