> Ethics, quality and environment

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Ethics, quality and environment


As a global company we understand that what we do and the decisions we make affect many people around the world.


Doro requires that suppliers sign a special declaration regarding good corporate social responsibility. This declaration includes a large number of requirements regarding child labour, forced labor, the working environment, remuneration levels, working hours and the right to union membership. As of 2008, Doro is conducting third party audits to ascertain compliance of its policies. In the event of a breach of contract, Doro has the right to immediately discontinue all  association with the supplier.



For us, Quality is about delivering products that answer real needs and enable you to continue doing the things you’ve always enjoyed doing. We call it ‘total experience of quality,’ a work that begins with product development at Doro, and continues with the manufacturing process at our suppliers.


Quality assurance – a basic ingredient for success

Doro places great emphasis on quality control. Regular checks and monitoring are the main elements in developing and manufacturing new products. Fully functional quality control with clear internal and external processes is a condition for being able to take the next step into the product area.


All suppliers are measured in the following areas:

  • Forecast level of customer returns
  • Delivery checks
  • Delivery precision
  • Lead times

Doro ranks and measures every manufacturer

In this way both Doro and the supplier can see what level the quality controls are at. Doro often helps with fault finding in the actual manufacturing process in Asia. This provides a great deal of knowledge into the options available for manufacturing new products, but also the ability to improve manufacturing of existing products.


Doro insists that suppliers sign a declaration stating their social responsibility. This declaration includes a number of demands about children and forced labour, working environments, remuneration levels, working hours and the right to belong to a union of choice. Doro’s signing of the declaration gives the company the right to immediately cancel all links with the supplier upon breach of contract.


Concern for the environment is something we are all constantly reminded of, and at Doro we treat such concern with the importance it deserves. This we do by following the directives related to environmental issues and looking for ways to reduce the impact of our work and products on the environment. Our Eco functionality initiative for DECT cordless phones is one such example.


Doro’s objective is to contribute in the best possible way to reducing negative impact on the environment.


Environmental directives

Doro markets and sells products whose use and recycling is covered by environmental directives, Doro’s quality and environmental manager is responsible for Doro following the laws and regulations that apply and each country has an environmental officer responsible for ensuring that the respective countries’ environmental legislation is followed.


Among the more comprehensive directives affecting Doro’s business includes the EU’s Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (“WEEE”) directive that came into force in August 2005 and the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances (“RoHS”), which came into force on 1 July 2006.


EU’s REACH directive (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restrictions of Chemicals) will be evaluated in 2008 for implementation in 2010. The effect on Doro as an importer of finished products is limited but it will still affect our processes.


Another directive due for implementation that will affect the company is the EUP directive (Energy Using Products). The effect on Doro will be to ensure ecological design, production and low energy use of battery chargers and external power supply units.