> Our mission - Designing devices for the elderly

Security services and smartphones

So much of our lives today takes place on mobile phones and the internet. It’s where we communicate with each other and interact with the outside world. We’d like everyone to be able to take part. That’s why we develop easy-to-use services and products that make it simpler for seniors to keep in touch with friends and family, as well as be active members of society – despite the challenges that can come with age.


Everyone gets older – and there are more seniors than ever

With a growing older population, there is also an increasing need to be able to communicate on seniors’ terms. Since everyone is different, we are constantly doing research to keep up with a growing variety of needs and demands. Using these insights, we can develop and offer a range of services and products that delivers what people need and want, regardless of age.

When it comes to mobile phones, our focus is on features that make daily life simpler and safer – larger keys, clearer sound, easily read screens and security buttons. 

Challenges demand solutions

Getting older can often affect our hearing, sight and motor skills – but also our confidence when it comes to technology. Smart and adapted products make it easier to keep up with the changes.

Laughing man playing cards. (video)

Seriously smart technology that thinks like you

Doro makes it easier to keep in contact and explore the world.

video about doro phones functions