In our pop-up store, which was open in Sweden during autumn/winter 2023, you could meet a lovely group of seniors who are really passionate about helping users to find the right products that make life easier and safer for everyone. Below you can read about them and find out more about their recommendations!
Agneta, what does your background look like?
In the past I have worked in the world of advertising, among other things. I started within the art department and then became part owner of an advertising agency, later the full owner. I'm a technical illustrator, I've run a shop in Copenhagen, worked as a store clerk, worked at a gallery and in a design shop, as well as making websites. I also enjoy renovating houses, so far I have completed three of them.
You must have learned a lot in life, what advice could you share?
Read on, question, listen. Don't be as impulsive as me!
What do you like most about Doro?
I think that Doro has good products for the elderly and that the company cares about people's different needs. Also, I like that it is a Swedish company! Even if the products are not manufactured in Sweden, product development and everything else takes place here.
Your favourite product?
It's definitely Doro 6880, the red flip phone! Everyone loves it!!
What have you done for work before retirement Jens?
I have worked with a few different things, but most notably as a salesperson in the IT industry for several years, from the 1980s onwards. But most recently I worked with project management and support.
Why do you like Doro?
I am impressed that Doro has been in business since 1974 and has always had the goal of making everyday life easier with its products for those who see and hear less. And that Doro is now taking steps forward with more modern products such as smartphones and smart watches.
Which is your favourite product in the Doro range?
I would say it is the Doro 8200, the latest smartphone. It is a simple and easy-to-use phone with many advantages that is perfect as a first smartphone, for example, if you want to switch from a feature phone with buttons.
What have you done in your working life Kenneth?
In addition to running my own business for 35 years, a game shop, I have been in the entertainment industry. I have played in an orchestra, in Sweden but also abroad, e.g. Tenerife - I have many fun memories from that time. I also went on many adventures with Kvällsposten's legendary writer Tony Kaplan. Together we met many celebrities, including Lill-Babs, Joe Labero and the British entertainer Tommy Steele. We were also with Jan Malmsjö in London when he set up the musical Fiddler on the roof. It was an exciting time!
What did you take away from this?
Regardless of all the adventures I've been on, it's family that means the most, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Can you recommend any products from Doro's range?
Yes, all products are easy to use, easy to hold, have large icons and clear displays. But my favourite is probably the Doro Tablet. It’s a loud tablet where you can see the large and clear apps if your vision is bad.
Tell us a little about yourself!
I worked in a bank for 43 years, both in Sweden and Denmark, in various positions as an economist but also as an IT manager. But a great passion for me is travelling. I have visited many countries around the world but perhaps I have visited Cuba the most times, because my wife is Cuban.
Lennart, what do you like most about Doro's products?
They are easy-to-use, robust products that are perfect for the elderly. I started buying Doro phones for my mom back in the 90's and she loved them all.
Which is your favourite product from the range?
It has to be the Doro 4100H, a solid desk phone with big buttons, a bit like the old days but this one connects to the 4G network instead and works like a mobile phone that you can take with you. Kinda cool actually!
What does your background look like Pia?
I have almost always worked with the good things in life – like food and treats. I have been a cook, a cold server, worked in a school kitchen and ran my own bakery, so I have also been a coordinator and manager. I think it's very nice to work with young people. But I have also sold clothes and worked on the lake, so I have a lot of experience with me.
What has this taught you about life?
Through life I have learned that it is important to be humble and that everyone is equally valuable, whether you are a cleaner or a director.
Do you have a favourite product in Doro's range?
I think it is important that there are phones that suit everyone, regardless of whether you are young, old or have a special need. And Doro has it! Also, I use the Doro Watch every day, it's so easy to use, has a clear display and easy to read.
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