> Gill
Woman snapping selfie with her grandchildren. Woman snapping selfie with her grandchildren.

Gill, 69

An attentive and caring grandmother, Gill uses her Doro to help her stay connected to family members in different countries.

Gill in a green blouse.

I think, with the Doro, it’s just so clear what you want to do. It’s just very easy to use.

Gill, 69

Retired teacher and proud grandmother

Now I’ve moved to Wales, my Doro keeps me better connected to my family. And because it’s easy to use, I’m always communicating with my daughter, sending her pictures and messages about the boys when I’m caring for them.


I was a primary schoolteacher for over 40 years, so retiring was a very big adjustment for me. One change led to another and, in addition to retiring, I ended up moving from Birmingham to Wales because I wanted to spend more time with my young grandsons – and be there for my daughter when she needed me.

What’s more, my grandsons often ask to send Grandma a text – I just love getting those! Plus, my son lives in Denmark, and the Doro makes it so simple to talk with or even see him and his baby girl on a video call. It really is remarkable with technology. And that it’s free!

Gill snapping selfie with her grandchildren.

My retirement and the move to Wales have given me new opportunities – and I suppose you could call it a new way of life. I’ve begun volunteering at a few places which has helped me meet some new people. And, in exploring my new neighborhood, I’ve been able to explore my Doro as well. Using Google Maps and other apps has helped me get better acquainted with where I live So I feel more cofortable... more at home. It’s great to explore confidently, knowing everything is right at my fingertips.

When I think about where I am in my life now, I really feel that getting older is very different to what I expected. I’m much younger than my mother was when she was my age. There’s still so much I want to do and see. I feel like, now I’ve made this move, who knows where I’ll go next?