> Jean-Luc
Two friends talking. Two friends talking.

Jean-Luc, 64

Technology should be uncomplicated, user friendly and adapted to me – Jean-Luc likes Doro’s simplicity.

Jean Luc in backlight, laughing.

“Everything should be simpler for everyone – not just seniors.”

Jean-Luc, 64

Recently retired and outdoor enthusiast

I am the oldest of seven children and I have worked all my life. I’ve devoted myself to many different pursuits; sailing, construction work, university studies, administration and recently, politics. Now I’m retired and have switched to another track in life. I live in the south of France and spend most of my time outdoors in the beautiful weather. I walk a lot in the forest and search for mushrooms that I can cook with. I really enjoy simple pleasures such as cooking or playing cards with my family and friends.

Since retiring I can finally take it easy in my everyday life. I don’t want a phone that will stress me out. Everything should be simpler for everyone – not just seniors. When my niece, Caroline, first showed me a Doro four years ago, it was the simplicity that captured my interest. Since then I’ve been like a kid on Christmas morning.

Jean-Luc and other people gathered for a group photo

I have a very firm view concerning technology. I am fascinated by it and by development, but I also feel that technology should always serve humanity. We shouldn’t need to work according to technology’s terms, but technology should work on ours. I think that smartphones are the first telephones that take humans into account and Doro’s telephones are easy to use. When I do something on my phone, it feels natural for me. This phone is an extension of my arm.

Jean-Luc’s Doro

Doro Liberto® 820 Mini



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