> Norbert
Man on a motorcycle with sidecar. Man on a motorcycle with sidecar.

Norbert, 77

Norbert, a born adventurer, uses Doro to keep in contact when he is out on the road.

Norbert on a motorcycle.

“When I hold the phone in my hand I get a feeling I’ve got something valuable.”

Norbert, 77

Businessman and motorcyclist

Today I’m 77 years old, but plan to live until I’m at least 100 – and for now I don’t plan on getting off my motorcycle. I don’t feel at all like someone senior and I don’t like that the word is so often used in a negative way. I’m not old, I’m myself. I am Norbert and I want to live my life!

I’m also “Number 1” as the first member and founder of the German Harley Davidson club. I recently went on a long journey of 4,000 km on my motorcycle in Spain. It’s times like these that I’m glad I have my Doro with me. I think the security button is very important and if I need it, the right person is contacted immediately. It’s not just a security feature for me, but also for those around me. I’m no longer dependent on some young people in order to keep in contact, because I have my own smartphone. It’s very important for us motorcyclists to have some way of reconnecting if someone gets lost.

Norbert riding his motorcycle on a country road

Staying in contact with those who don’t ride motorcycles is also important to me. The phone’s camera function is so useful for keeping in touch. Now I don’t need to carry around a big camera anymore or wait to share pictures of my travels. With the Doro phone I can just take a photo and send it to my friends and they can immediately see what I’ve done. It feels like I can’t live without these ways of communicating any more. The phone lets me keep in touch with friends, relatives, companies… everything.

Norbert’s Doro

Doro Liberto® 825



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